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Showing results 211 to 230 of 392
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- Landslide Hazard Studies in and around Aizawl city, Mizoram, India 1
- Levels and strategies of acculturation in relation to identity, attitudes, values and adjustment : a study of Mizo 1
- Library and Information Science 11
- Library and Information Science Education in North East Region: A Critical Study 1
- Library and Information Services of National Institute of Technology in North East Region 1
- Library Professionals’ Communication Over Online Forum: Content Analysis of New Millennium Lis Professionals (NMLIS) 1
- Livelihood and Living Conditions of Tribal Artisans in Mizoram 1
- Locating Satire: A Study of Select Narratives by Vanneihtluanga 1
- Locating Violence: A Study of Select Novels by Joyce Carol Oates 1
- Locus of Control, Emotional Maturity and Well-Being of Trainees in Mizoram State Sport Academies 1
- Magnetostratigraphic studies of the Surma and Tipam groups in parts of the Kolasib district, Mizoram 1
- Magnetostratigraphic study of the bhuban formation (surma group) around aizawl, Mizoram 1
- Management 7
- Mapping of library and Information science journals on scopus: A scientometric Assessment 2
- Mass Communication 3
- Mathematical Modeling of Diabetes Mellitus 1
- Mathematics 1
- Mathematics and Computer Sciences 5
- Measurement of neutron radiative capture cross sections for 70zn(n, Îł)71znm reaction using isotopically enriched 70zn isotope in the few mev incident neutron energy region 1
- Measurement of Radon, Thoron and their progeny concentrations in Mizoram with special reference to Aizawl, Champhai and Kolasib Districts 1