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Showing results 299 to 318 of 1381 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Diversity and Phytochemistry of Pteridophytes from Different Reserve Forests in MizoramVanlalpeka, R.
2021Diversity Assessment of Bryophytes in Mizoram and Phytochemical study of important medicinal speciesLalhriatpuia
2021Diversity of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria in Jhum Fallow Soil of Serchhip District, MizoramHnamte, Remruattluanga
2021Diversity of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria in Jhum Fallow Soil of Serchhip District, MizoramHnamte, Remruattluanga
2021Diversity of Wood Rotting Fungi in Protected Forest Areas of Mizoram”MC Vabeikhokhei, Josiah
2024-08-30DNA barcoding and gut microbiome profiling of long horn beetles-host plant associationsBuragohain, Pori
2022DNA barcoding of ethno-medicinal species of Solanaceae in MizoramRalte, Laldinfeli
2016DNA Barcoding of honey associated with polliniferous plants diversityR. Lalhmangaihi
2016DNA Fingerprinting of Endophytic Actinomycetes and Screening for their Antimicrobial ActivitiesPassari, Ajit Kumar
2017Documentation of Plants used in Traditional Medicines and Practices in MizoramKhiangte, Zorinpuii
2021Drainage Morphometry and Morphotectonics of Upper Tuirial River Basin, MizoramKumar Barman, Binoy
2015Drug Abuse among Youth and Family Environment in ManipurK, Alice devi
2017Dynamics of Indigenous Culture on Christianity Pertaining to Kelkang Revival Movement in 1937Lalruatfeli Ralte, Catherine
2013Dynamics of Christianity in Select Mizo Folk NarrativesLalrintluangi, L.V.
2011Dynamics of Christianity in the Song Tradition of the MizosVanlalrema, Mark V.
2016Dynamics of Conspiracy in Select Novels of Sidney SheldonLaltlankimi, F.
2018Dynamics of Gorkha Identity in the Selected Fictions of Indra Bahadur Rai and Manohar ThapaRai, Shrijana
2021Dynamics of land degradation in tuirini Watershed, MizoramVanlaltanpuia
2016Dynamics of Multiculturalism in Selected Works of Zadie SmithRalte, Lalhlupuii
2021Dynamics of power and sexuality in selected Texts of khushwant singh: a studyDatta Roy, Prasenjit