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Showing results 339 to 358 of 1381 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Educational Interest of Secondary School students of Champhai District, MizoramKhawlhring, Malsawmtluangi
2024-11-08Educational Status, Employment Opportunities and Skill-Based Education of Lodha Tribes of West Bengal in Relation to their Socio-Cultural StatusSanchari Bhunia
2019Effect of Brown’s Gas Enriched Hydrocarbon Combustion on Engine Emissions and PerformanceLalnunthari, J.
2011The Effect of Insurgency in the Psychological Adjustment of the MizoKhiangte, Zoramhmangaihzuali
2023-10-16Effect of Life Skills on Social Intelligence and ICT Competencies of Student Teachers of MizoramVanchhawng, Malsawmtluangi
2024-02-19Effect of methanolic extract of Cycas pectinada (Buch-Ham) seed on testicular activity in miceMarak, Chuckles Ch.
2011Effect of selected botanical antimicrobials for enhancing potability of drinking water from various sourcesKumar, Awadhesh
2021Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Word of Mouth in Private Hospitals of AizawlNuntluanga, V. L.
2020Effect of vitamin d on testicular activity inD-galactose induced aged ratMalsawmhriatzuala, Jeremy
2022“Effective Allocation of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and Power Management in a Distribution Network”Sengupta, Debaparna
2022Effectiveness of ICT in Mathematics Education in MizoramThangmawia, L.
2023Effectiveness of Whole Brain Teaching for Enhancement of English Language Skills: An Experimental StudySiami, Lal Rem
2017Effects of Advertising on Buying Behavior of College Youth in Aizawl, Mizoram: A Study on Two-wheelersVanlalhriati, Carolyn
2022Effects of diesel exhaust particles on in vitro bacteria biofilms growth and evaluation of anti-biofilm/antimicrobial potential of a few selected plant extractsZomuansangi, Ruth
2024-08-30Effects of dim light at night (dLAN) on circadian clock mediated learning, memory and cognitive functions in ratSangma, James T.
2020Effects of rapid urbanization on the potable water Resources using gis techniques and weap model – a case Study of varanasi, indiaKumar, Shikhar
2020Effects of seed source, storage conditions and Duration on germination, seedling traits and oil Content in madhuca latifolia macbride in odishaNayak, Saswat
2015Effects of Spin-Orbit Interactions on Band Structure in Semiconductor Spintronic MaterialsLalhmangaihzuala, Ricky
2017Efficacy of L-carnitine supplementation on the Tuibur (Tobacco smoke infused water) induced testicular toxicity in miceDevi, Maibam Sunita
2021Efficient use of Ferrate(VI) in the Degradation of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products from Aqueous SolutionsLalthazuala, Levia