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Showing results 559 to 578 of 1381 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Impact of Selected Affective Variables on Achievement in Science of Secondary School Students in Aizawl District of MizoramKaur, Nitu
2016Impact of Social Support on Mental Well-being and Demoralization of the Mizo ElderlyHmingthantluanga, Emmanuel R.
2019Impact of Socio-demographic Variables on Psychological Well-Being and Spiritual Experience: A Study Among Mizo AdultsLalnunmawii, H.
2019Impact of soil amendment with organic wastes On growth of vegetable crops in imphal west District, ManipurAkoijam, Yaiphabi
2021Impact of solid waste disposal on soil characteristics in Kolasib, mizoram.Vanlalliantluanga, Albert
2012Impact of stock market fluctuations on commodity derivatives in IndiaSangdingliani, F. Brenda
2013Impact of Stone mining on plant diversity and soil nutrients dynamics in Tropical forest ecosystems in Tanhril area of Aizawl District in MizoramSingh, Shaikhom Bidyasagar
2019Impact of Tourism in Mizoram with special reference to ReiekPachuau, Ramnunmawia
2012Impact of UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium on Social Science (SOS) and School of Economics, Management and Information Science (SEMIS) Faculty Members and Research Scholars of Mizoram UniversitySaidingpuii
2018Impacts of serlui-b hydel Project on water quality and ecology of macrophytes of Serlui river in Kolasib district, MizoramSunar, Sangeeta
2024-06-18Implementation of New Land Use Policy in Mizoram : A Case Study of Serchhip DistrictZothankhuma, V.
2021Implementation of Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan in Mizoram: Status, Problems and ProspectsVanlalchhanhimi
2023-11-29Implication of contract farming on livelihood with reference to oil palm plantation in MizoramLalherliana Sailo
2022In vitro and in vivo investigation of anti-cancer activity of Ilex khasiana and HPTLC fingerprint profilingLalnunfela, Charles
2013In Vitro Mass Propagation and Agrobacterium mediated Genetic Transformation of Banana Plants Native to MizoramHrahsel, Lalremsiami
2018In vitro regeneration of selected rice (Oryza sativa L. indica) landraces of ManipurSingh, Tongbram Punshi
2022In vitro somatic embryogenesis of Musa acuminata (AAA) cv. VaibalhlaAkbar Singh, Maisnam
2020In-service training programmes for secondary school teachers in Mizoram under RMSA: An evaluative study’Renthlei, Zairemmawia
2022-12In-Situ Online Measurement Of Radon (222rn) Data And Developing Its Correlation With Geophysical Phenomena In Seismically Active Regions: A Case Study Of Mat Fault At Zawlpui, Serchhip District, MizoramThuamthansanga, T
2015Incidence and Dimensions of Child Labour in Aizawl CityDoumuanlal