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Showing results 578 to 597 of 1383 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020In-service training programmes for secondary school teachers in Mizoram under RMSA: An evaluative study’Renthlei, Zairemmawia
2022-12In-Situ Online Measurement Of Radon (222rn) Data And Developing Its Correlation With Geophysical Phenomena In Seismically Active Regions: A Case Study Of Mat Fault At Zawlpui, Serchhip District, MizoramThuamthansanga, T
2015Incidence and Dimensions of Child Labour in Aizawl CityDoumuanlal
2020Inclusive Education In Mizoram: A Critical StudyHlondo, Vanlalruatfela
2021India-sri lanka relations: a Study of ethnic conflict and cooperationGuite, Lalmuana
2017Indian National Congress In Mizoram: A Study on The Electoral Performance and Policies (2008-2013)Lalmuansanga, Jerry
2019India’s Relations with Singapore: A Study of Its Economic DimensionLalhmingSangi
2019India’s Trade with SAARC Countries with Special Reference to Sri LankaChhangte, Vanlalkhumtiri
2021Indira gandhi national old age pension scheme: A study of Aizawl cityLalrammawia, Johny
2019Indo Myanmar relations since 1991Khiangte, Laltluangliana
2010Indo-Myanmar border trade : Tthe study of socio-cultural and political dynamics in MizoramSonghaulal Songate, Paul
2021Indo-Myanmar Border Trade and Development of Border Villages in MizoramSangpui, Lily
2015Indoor and Outdoor Radon and Thoron Monitoring in Mizoram with special reference to Lunglei, Serchhip and Mamit DistrictsRohmingliana, P.C.
2019Induction of vitellogenin gene expression as a marker to assess the reproductive toxicity effects of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) in Bombyx moriKhandayataray, Pratima
2009Influence of Christianity in Mizo FictionsVannghaka, K. C.
2021Influence of geography and host plant usage on genetic differentiation in Banana pseudostem weevil and leaf and fruit scarring beetle inferred from RAPD markersBuragohain, Pori
2019Influence of Rhizosphere on Soil Fertility in Different Land Use Systems of MizoramManpoong, Chowlani
2024-06-18Influence of Socio-Spatial Variation on Educational Attainment and Success in MizoramMalsawmtluanga
2014Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and development of urban youth in MizoramR. Lalrinhlua
2024-05-16Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills and Competencies among Faculty Members of Mizoram University and North-Eastern Hill University in using E-resourcesLalthlengliana, Oliver