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Showing results 786 to 805 of 1381 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014The Novel as a Subversive Discourse: A Study of Selected Novels of Xiaolu GuoLalhriatpuii, Annabel
2022-09-15Nuchhungi Renthlei : an Analytical Reading of Mizo Children’s LiteratureZoramthari, Evelyn
2020Nutrient and Fertility Status of soil under Rubber and Arecanuts Plantations in Kolasib District, MizoramManzamawii
2019Nutrient Management in Khasi Mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) under Subtropical Agro- Climatic Condition in MizoramZoremtluangi, Jenny
2021Occupational Hazards of Women Healthcare Workers in Aizawl District, MizoramLalrinzuala
2023-05Occupational Stress And Job Satisfaction Of Higher Secondary School Teachers Of MizoramNgente, Lalchawimawii
2019Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl District: Structure and WorkingLalthazuali
2020Oil Palm Cultivation and Rural Livelihood in Kolasib and Mamit Districts, MizoramVanlalhruaizela, K.
2014on Social Support And Mental Health Of Women In Menopausal Transition In Aizawl, MizoramLalthazuali Hrahsel, Christie
2018Online Buying Behaviour a study of Mizoram University StudentsNuntharmawia, Albert
2010Open and Distance Education in Mizoram: An Analytical Study of Learners’ Profile, Infrastructure and ChallengesTochhawng, Sanny
2024-02-09Optical and Transport Properties of Selected Binary and Temary Semiconductor CompoundsLaihnuna
2012Oral Literature : A study of Mizo folk songsLalremruati, Ruth
2021Organic Nutrient Management and Crop Regulation in Grapes in MizoramLalhriatpuia, C.
2022Organic Nutrient Management and Intercropping in Banana Orchard in MizoramZothansiami, Abigail
2024-07-24Organisation and Working of Integrated Child Development Services in MizoramLalbiakzarzovi
2024-09-09Organisation and Working of Krishi Vigyan Kendra in Mamit District, MizoramHnamte, Samuel Lalramdika
2015Organo- and inorgano-organo-modified clay materials in the remediation of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and arsenic contaminated waterThanhmingliana
2016Oxidative Damage and Antioxidative Defense Mechanisms of Nostoc muscorum in Response to Copper (Cu2+) StressMrinamala Devi, Yengkhom
2024-05-31P-Adic Valuations of Certain Classes of Stirling Numbers of the Second KindLalchhuangliana, A.