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Showing results 989 to 1008 of 1381 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Role of Aggression, impulsivity and Interpersonal Problem Among RapistsChhangte, Laltanpuia
2013The Role of Bureaucracy in Development Administration in MizoramLalduhawmi, Tracy
2015Role Of Depression And Well-Being In HIV Transmission Risk Behaviour Of People Living With HIV/AIDSLalthazuali,K
2019Role of Diosgenin on Spermatogenesis and Steroidogenesis in Swiss Albino MiceMaurya, Khushboo
2018The role of ethnic identity on the Well-being, self-construal, and Psychological adjustment of people With perceived ethnic discriminationLaltanpuii, Melody
2021Role of high powered committee for urban Development in LungleiLalsangpuii
2022Role Of Lokayukta In MizoramKhiangte, Liansangpuii
2024-02-12Role of Road Transport Network on Socio-Economic Development of Aizawl District, Mizoram-
2014Role of Self Help Groups (SHGs) in the development of Entrepreneurship among Rural Women in Balasore District of OdishaTamang, Sharmila
2015The Role of Self-Help Groups for Socio-Economic Development : A study of Lawngtlai District in MizoramLalbiakdika, David
2016Role of Self-Help Groups in Integrated Watershed Management Programme in Aizawl District: A Study of Tlangnuam R.D BlockLalfakmawii, Esther
2017Role of Social Networking Sites in Information Communication: A Study of Faculty Members and Research Scholars of Assam University and Mizoram UniversityKumar, Anil
2022Role of SSA in the Universalization of Elementary Education in Mizoram : An Evaluative StudyChhangte, Lalthapuii
2021Role of sulphur in modulating chromium (Cr VI) toxicity in the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp.PCC 7120Thajamanbi Chanu, Thokchom
2011Role of the Directorate of Fisheries in Pisciculture Development in MizoramPachuau, Mal Sawmi
2011Role of The Opposition in The Legislature: A Study of The Third Mizoram State Legislative AssemblyZahluna, J
2021Role of visfatin in reproductive organs of female miceLalrawngbawli, Annie
2013Role of women in the socio-economic development in mizoramLalremmawii, Jasmine
2014Romanticism in Zirsangzela’s poetryRemlalthlamuanpuia
2023-10-03Romanticism in Mizo Poetry with Reference to the works of P.S. Chawngthu, Lalsangzuali Sailo and V. Thangzama-