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Showing results 319 to 338 of 1372 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018E-learning practices among the students of Mizoram universityVanlalruati, V
2017Early Childhood Care and Education in Anganwadi Centres of Aizawl City: A Critical StudyV.L.Nunhlimi, Angie
2021An Ecocritical Analysis of Sêrkawn Concert HlateLaldinmawia, H
2018Ecological and Behavioral Studies on Asian Wild Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis arnee Linn.) at Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, NepalKandel, Ram Chandra
2007Ecological studies on earthworm population in agroforestry system of MizoramLalthanzara, H
2019Ecological Studies on Grey Peacock Pheasant Polyplectron bicalcaratum (Linn, 1758) in the Tropical Forest of Mizoram, IndiaSailo, Lalawmawia
2008Ecological studies on plant diversity and productivity of Herbaceous spices in Mizoram University Campus at Tanhril, Aizawl, Mizoram (N.E. India)Lalchhuanawma
2021Ecology of common weeds and their allelopathic effect of Jhumland crops in MizoramLalrindiki, J.C. Angel
2023-10-03Economic Empowerment of Women through EntrepreneurshipLalmuanpuii, Rosie
2021Economic Value Added (EVA) and Stock Price of Firms in Indian Stock Market: An Empirical StudyVanlalzawna, C.
2019The Economics of Dairy Farming: A Study of Farmers in Aizawl District, MizoramRalte, Lalhmangaihsangi
2010Economics of Financing Higher Education in MizoramHannan Barbhuiya, Abdul
2016Economics of Grape Cultivation in Mizoram: A Case Study of Champhai ClusterLalengkima
2015Economics of Private Schools: A Case Study of Aizawl CitySailo, Andrew Lalsangzela
2013Economics of Public Water Distribution in Mizoram, A Case Study of Aizawl Water Supply SchemeHnamte, Vanlalrema
2020„Education of Child Labourers in Mizoram: Status and Prospects‟Ralte, Lalliantluanga
2019Educational and Occupational Aspirations of Secondary School Students from Slum and Non-slum Areas of Guwahati CityKalita, Samiran
2022Educational Challenges faced by Parents and Teachers of Hearing Impaired Students of Special Schools inAizawl DistrictLalrinchhana
2018Educational Interest of Secondary School students of Champhai District, MizoramKhawlhring, Malsawmtluangi
2019Effect of Brown’s Gas Enriched Hydrocarbon Combustion on Engine Emissions and PerformanceLalnunthari, J.