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Showing results 438 to 457 of 1383 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-09-23Fabrication of novel ag0/ or au0/ zerovalent iron/ biochar heterojunction nanocomposites: Efficient use of nanocomposite in the photo-fenton-like treatment of aqueous wastesLalmalsawmdawngliani
2023-12-04Faculty Attitudes Towards Open Access Publications for Scholarly Communication in Central Universities of North East IndiaMaya Deori
2016Faith Based Organisation and Development in Shillong, MeghalayaRangiasaid Rynjah, Martius
2011Family and Peer Network Among the Institutionalised Children in Conflict with Law in MizoramLalthangmawia, James
2018Family Environment and Educational Aspirations of Secondary And Higher Secondary School Students in Churachandpur, ManipurLalsanhim, Canny
2019Family Environment and School Dropouts among Youth in Aizawl, MizoramLallawmkimi
2019Family environment and study habits of higher secondary students in Aizawl cityLalmuankimi
2024-03-13Family Environment, Impulsivity and Perceived Parenting StylesVanlalruata, Samuel
2023-06-15Family environment, Social support and quality of life of adolescents in NagalandGonmei, Janet
2020Family Functioning and Parental Attachment in Relation to Behavioural and Emotional Problems of Adolescents in MeghalayaRestia Dkhar, Zebalda
2024-07-23Family Functioning, Family Resilience and Quality of Life Among Substance Abusers in De-Addiction Centres in Aizawl, MizoramLalrinhlui, Esther
2020Fantasy and the Self: A Study of Select Novels by Neil GaimanZD, Lalhmangaihi
2016Fantasy Elements In Selected Mizo FictionLalsanglura, R.D.
2017Female Substance Abusers Under Institutional Care in Aizawl, MizoramRalte, Zodinliani
2021A feminist ethnomusicological study of selected Mizo women composersLalnunhlui, C
2013Ferrate (VI): A green chemical for the treatment of aqueous wastesPachuau, Lalramnghaki
2016Ferrate(vi) a green chemical in the treatment of wastewater contaminated with some endocrine disrupting chemicals (edcs)Sailo, Lalsaimawia
2015Finances and Performance of Autonomous District Councils in Mizoram: A Case Study of Mara Autonomous District CouncilHrathao, L. Peace
2020Financial Inclusion among street vendors in Lunglei, MizoramLalenkawli, H
2022Financial management of churches in mizoram: A comparative study of Baptist and presbyterian churchesLalnunmawia Royte, Ronald