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Showing results 1248 to 1267 of 1372 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Taxation Administration in Mizoram: Structural and Functional DimensionsLalnunhlui
2018-11-01Taxonomic Study On The Elapid Snakes Of Mizoram, India (Reptilia: Serpentes: Elapidae)Lalbiakzuala
2020Teachers, Curricula And The Society: A Social History Of Education In Colonial MizoramPachuau, Lalhlimpuii
2024-05-11Teaching and Learning of English Language at Secondary Level of Education in MizoramChawngthu, Lalmawipuii
2015Teaching and learning of mathematics in schools through mathematical modelingLalduhawma, L.P
2015Technical Education In Mizoram: Status,Problems and ProspectsRalte, Lalhmangaihi
2017Technique of Characterisation in Selected Fictions of Zikpuii-paLalawmpuii, H
2010Test Anxiety in relation to Self-esteem, Locus of control and Social Support : A study of Mizo AdolescentsM.T, Varkey
2022-11Theme Of Death in Mizo PoetryLalzarzova
2017Theoretical and Computational Studies of Liquid Metals and Liquid Binary AlloysLalneihpuii, R.
2022Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Different Planar Broad band and Multi band AntennasSarkar, Tanmoy
2018Theoretical Investigation of a New Class of Thermoelectric Materials among the Family of Heusler CompoundsJoshi, Himanshu
2018Theoretical Investigation of Electronic and optical properties of double perovskites AA'BB'O6(A,A'=Alkaline earth, Transition,rare Earth and B.B'= Transition metalsHnamte, Lalhriatpuia
2010A theoretical study of photofield emission and band structure calculationsPrasad Ghimire, Madhav
2018A Theoretical Study of Structural, Electronic and Optical Properties of ABF 3 (A, B = Alkali or Alkaline Earth and Transition Elements) Type Perovskite by Using FP-LAPW MethodNeupane, Khimananda
2014Theoretical study of structural, electronic, magnetic and optical properties of filled skutteruditesShankar, Amit
2011Theoretical Study of Surface Effect in Photoassisted Field EmissionRosangliana
2013Thermoluminescence studies of naturally ocurring salts relevant to dosimetry obtained from MizoramPau, Kham Suan
2021Tobacco Consumption Behaviour of Undergraduate Students in Select Colleges in Mizoram: A Social Marketing PerspectiveAkhtar, Shamim
2014Tobacco Dependence Among Mizo Adults: A Psychological AnalysisC. Lalfakzuali