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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 60
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-11-25Studies on Biology, Productivity and Host Plant Diversity of Kerria lacca Kerr around Kuldiha Wildlife Sanctuary, OdishaShial, Gayadhar
2024-11-08Studies on biomass and nutrient accumulation pattern, carbon stock and sequestration potential of sweet Orange plantation in MizoramK. Lalnunpuii
2024-06-11Study on Ethnomedicinal plant resources of East Jaintia Hills in MeghalayaFedalia Bamon
2024-05-24Assessment of Carbon sequestration and climate resilient potential of different Agroforestry systems of MeghalayaSingh, Ashish
2023-11-01Impact of integrated nutrient management on upland paddy yield and soil properties in jhum land in Ri-bhoi District, MeghalayaKharlukhi, Deity Gracia
2024-04-16Dendroclimatic Analysis of Forest Tree Growth in relation to Climatic Drivers in Northeast IndiaKharmawlong, Rockfillinroy
2023-12-07Determining Carbon Sequestration Potential of Important Tree Species from Different Ecological Regions of Manipur using DendrochronologyMonsang, Ng. Polbina
2024-03-18Dendro-chemical analysis of selected tree species in Mizoram, North East IndiaBalraju, Wagmare
2022Spat i al and t emporal vari at i ons i n soi l seed bank under Jhum fal lows of Mi zoramSharma, Shijagurumayum Baleshwor
2022Pollination biology of three Clerodendrum species in a tropical forest of MizoramSingh, Puyam Devanda
2023Crop production and soil properties in ginger-based agroforestry system in MizoramFanai, Lalhriatrengi
2022Utilization pattern of non-timber forest products and Their impacts on socio-economic status of ethnic Communities in west garo hills, meghalayaT. Sangma, Antica Jarangchi
2022Dynamics of shifting cultivation (Jhum) and its impact on socio-economic conditions of Jhumias, recovery pattern of vegetation and soil in different stages of succession in north-east IndiaThong, Pentile
2022Soil Fertility Management under Shifting cultivation in Mizoram, IndiaGhosh, Shrayosee
2022Studies on the effects of antifungal compounds derived from selected medicinal plant of Mizoram on Candida speciesVLT Muanpuii, Rebecca
2021Plant species diversity and community characteristics of forest ecosystems of Nagaland, Northeast IndiaAo, Aosanen
2022Variation in biomass, carbon stock and carbon Sequestration potential of selected forests of MizoramGogoi, Anudip
2022Phenological diversity and leaf dynamics of major tree species and soil nutrients in a subtropical forest stand of MizoramLalruatfela, R.
2021Phytochemical characterization of anti-diabetic plants in MizoramLaldingngheta, Jerry
2021Changes in soil aggregation, microbial population, carbon and nutrients under different land use systems of MizoramOvung, Etsoshan Y
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 60