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Results 21-30 of 59 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Production potential of intercropping in lemon (citrus limon burm) under agroforestry system of MizoramHnamte, Vanlalhruaia
2017Comparative Study of Impact of Shifting Cultivation and Settled Agriculture on Soil Fertility in Aizawl and Lunglei Districts of MizoramLalramliani, C. B.
2018Impact of fallow periods and treatments on the pattern of recovery of soil fertility and plant productivity in shifting cultivation sites in Aizawl District, MizoramWapongnungsang
2018Impact of different fallow periods and treatments with native litter-soil-microbes on rhizospheric microbial diversity and soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in shifting cultivation sites in MizoramRamchhanliana, H.
2007Survey on orchids of sub-Himalayan semi evergreen and sub tropical pine forest of Mizoram : some ecological analysis of important speciesLalengmawia, R.
2015Pollen, Longevity and Effect of Growth Hormones on Pollen Germination in vitro in some Important Tropical Tree Species of MizoramKar, Kalpataru
2018Production, Utilization and Marketing of Non- Timber Forest Products in Joint Forest Management in MizoramLalhmingsangi, K.
2018“Impact of bio-inoculants and soil amendments on growth pattern, nodulation behaviour and lac production potential of Flemingia semialata Roxb.”Kar, Ranjan Kumar
2018Ethno-medicinal plants in west Garo hills district in MeghalayaMarak, Naldarine M.
2019Developing Growth Model using Dendrochronological and Remote Sensing Observations for Important Tree Species of MizoramKeshav Kumar Upadhyay, Keshav