Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 59
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2024-11-08 | Studies on biomass and nutrient accumulation pattern, carbon stock and sequestration potential of sweet Orange plantation in Mizoram | K. Lalnunpuii |
2024-06-11 | Study on Ethnomedicinal plant resources of East Jaintia Hills in Meghalaya | Fedalia Bamon |
2024-05-24 | Assessment of Carbon sequestration and climate resilient potential of different Agroforestry systems of Meghalaya | Singh, Ashish |
2023-11-01 | Impact of integrated nutrient management on upland paddy yield and soil properties in jhum land in Ri-bhoi District, Meghalaya | Kharlukhi, Deity Gracia |
2024-04-16 | Dendroclimatic Analysis of Forest Tree Growth in relation to Climatic Drivers in Northeast India | Kharmawlong, Rockfillinroy |
2023-12-07 | Determining Carbon Sequestration Potential of Important Tree Species from Different Ecological Regions of Manipur using Dendrochronology | Monsang, Ng. Polbina |
2024-03-18 | Dendro-chemical analysis of selected tree species in Mizoram, North East India | Balraju, Wagmare |
2022 | Spat i al and t emporal vari at i ons i n soi l seed bank under Jhum fal lows of Mi zoram | Sharma, Shijagurumayum Baleshwor |
2022 | Pollination biology of three Clerodendrum species in a tropical forest of Mizoram | Singh, Puyam Devanda |
2023 | Crop production and soil properties in ginger-based agroforestry system in Mizoram | Fanai, Lalhriatrengi |
2022 | Utilization pattern of non-timber forest products and Their impacts on socio-economic status of ethnic Communities in west garo hills, meghalaya | T. Sangma, Antica Jarangchi |
2022 | Dynamics of shifting cultivation (Jhum) and its impact on socio-economic conditions of Jhumias, recovery pattern of vegetation and soil in different stages of succession in north-east India | Thong, Pentile |
2022 | Soil Fertility Management under Shifting cultivation in Mizoram, India | Ghosh, Shrayosee |
2022 | Studies on the effects of antifungal compounds derived from selected medicinal plant of Mizoram on Candida species | VLT Muanpuii, Rebecca |
2021 | Plant species diversity and community characteristics of forest ecosystems of Nagaland, Northeast India | Ao, Aosanen |
2022 | Variation in biomass, carbon stock and carbon Sequestration potential of selected forests of Mizoram | Gogoi, Anudip |
2022 | Phenological diversity and leaf dynamics of major tree species and soil nutrients in a subtropical forest stand of Mizoram | Lalruatfela, R. |
2021 | Phytochemical characterization of anti-diabetic plants in Mizoram | Laldingngheta, Jerry |
2021 | Changes in soil aggregation, microbial population, carbon and nutrients under different land use systems of Mizoram | Ovung, Etsoshan Y |
2020 | Effects of seed source, storage conditions and Duration on germination, seedling traits and oil Content in madhuca latifolia macbride in odisha | Nayak, Saswat |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 59