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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 50
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-12-02Impact of Social Network Sites on Scholarly CommunicationBasumatary, Bwsrang
2024-11-27Usage of Library Resources in RIMS, Imphal and ZMC, Aizawl : A Comparative StudyAhamed, MM Yashir
2024-07-12Scientometric Mapping of Library and Information Science Research across the Asian NationsMoyon, NG Thermi
2024-05-07Innovative Library Security Technology Solution in the Management of Central University Libraries of North-East India : A StudyKomut, Janu
2024-05-07Use of Social Media Among LIS Students of Odisha State Universities in Enhancing Academic and Professional Development : A StudyAcharya, Shubhasmita
2024-05-16Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills and Competencies among Faculty Members of Mizoram University and North-Eastern Hill University in using E-resourcesLalthlengliana, Oliver
2023-12-11Sustainable Development of Indigenous Knowledge Management of Mizo TribeLalruatpuii, Esther
2023-12-04Faculty Attitudes Towards Open Access Publications for Scholarly Communication in Central Universities of North East IndiaMaya Deori
2024-02-05Information Literacy Among Agricultural Farmers in Lunglei District, MizoramLalthlamuanpuii, Ruth
2024-04-08Trends of Indian Research Performance in Chemistry during 1991 to 2020 based on Scopus databaseBorgohain, Dhruba Jyoti
2023-10-03Sentiment Analysis of Open Educational Resources (OER) Videos on you TubeDeka, Manashjyoti
2023-10-03Design and Development of an Institutional Repository on Educational Research and Training with Reference to NIE (NCERT), New DelhiKapoor, Deepak Kumar
2023-10-03Web Presence of Central University Libraries in IndiaPathak, Tribeni
2023An Altmetric Analysis of ResearchGate Profiles of LIS Teaching Faculty in Central Universities in IndiaBuragohain, Dibanjyoti
2023Human resource management In the central university libraries of north east india: An analytical studyLallawmawmi
2022Skills and competencies of college library Professionals of mizoram in changing information Scenario: a studyLalhlimpuii, B
2022-09Access to Library and information services by the differently-abled users in libraries of selected IITs in IndiaYadav, Babita
2022Collection management and Services of central university libraries in north east India: an evaluative studyLalengmawia, R.
2022A Scientometric Study on Portrait of Nobel Laureates in ChemistryMaurya, Abhay
2022A Scientometric Study on Portrait of Nobel Laureates in ChemistryMaurya, Abhay
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 50