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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 44
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-10-23Isolation and characterization of entomopathogenic bacteria associated with steinernematids and heterorhabditids from Mizoram, India and evaluation of their antimicrobial activityMary Lalramchuani
2024-11-01Taxonomic Study On The Elapid Snakes Of Mizoram, India (Reptilia: Serpentes: Elapidae)Lalbiakzuala
2018-11-01Taxonomic Study On The Elapid Snakes Of Mizoram, India (Reptilia: Serpentes: Elapidae)Lalbiakzuala
2024-09-23Morpho-molecular characterisation of the helminth parasites of fishes in Mizoram, northeast IndiaPrakash, Sneha
2024-08-30Effects of dim light at night (dLAN) on circadian clock mediated learning, memory and cognitive functions in ratSangma, James T.
2024-08-30Genetic Diversity, Population Structure and Molecular Phylogeny of The Banana Pseudostem Weevil (Odoiporus Longicollis Olivier) in Northeast India Inferred From Nuclear and Mitochondrial MarkersKhandayataray, Pratima
2024-08-30DNA barcoding and gut microbiome profiling of long horn beetles-host plant associationsBuragohain, Pori
2024-05-07Ameliorative effect of phenethyl isothiocyanate on on high fat diet (saum) induced spermatogenesis dysfunction in Wistar albino ratsSailo, Lalrinzuali
2024-03-20Pollination networks, nutritional status, genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship of the wild honey bee species in native and invasive plantsManikandan, B.
2023-11-28Daily and Seasonal Sleep Patterns in School StudentsLalremruati, J.
2024-02-19Effect of methanolic extract of Cycas pectinada (Buch-Ham) seed on testicular activity in miceMarak, Chuckles Ch.
2024-02-14Mutational Analysis of Mitochondrial and Glutathione S-Transferase Genes Associated with Breast Cancer Risk Among Mizo PopulationLalhmachhuani
2024-03-20Morphological and molecular characterization of Geometrid moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) in Mizoram, Northeast IndiaLalnghahpuii, B.
2022Investigation of anti-carcinogenic activities of Mussaenda macrophylla Wall. (Family: Rubiaceae)Lalremruati, Marina
2022Studies on genotoxicity and antioxidant status in the peripheral blood lymphocytes of individuals occupationally exposed to ionizing radiationsZosangzuali, Mary
2022Molecular Phylogeny of Longhorn Beetles from Northeast India Inferred by Metabarcoding and Mitochondrial MetagenomicsMurthy, Meesala Krishna
2022In vitro and in vivo investigation of anti-cancer activity of Ilex khasiana and HPTLC fingerprint profilingLalnunfela, Charles
2022Evaluation of anti-cancer activity of Stemona tuberosa Lour.Lalmuansangi, C.
2021Role of visfatin in reproductive organs of female miceLalrawngbawli, Annie
2020Seasonal responses in reproduction and affiliated behavior of tree sparrow (Passer montanus) at Aizawl, MizoramRenthlei, Zothanmawii
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 44